Orange juice fasting has ancient roots. It was popular in the early 20th century in the USA and Canada with some very popular doctors in those times who cured tens of thousands of patients without drugs or surgery. The orange juice fast has been brought back to the 21st century and improved by Barefoot Herbalist MH
The basic principle is the use of 1 pint total of freshly squeezed organic orange juice with distilled water, drank throughout the day. A colon cleanse or enema must be done every night. Do this regimen for 3 days at first. Then progress to 7, 14, 21 and 40 days. Cures almost any problem.
Do not do this yourself without a guide!
The expert you want to contact and guide you is Barefoot Herbalist MH at http://www.barefootherbalistmh.com
You will have to read his 108 pages booklet and his Book I prior to doing the orange juice fast.
He has a support forum you want to read and join at http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=626
Gets rid of cooked food addiction. Heals the stomach. Heals the intestines. Increases red blood cell count. Your window to raw foodism, to fruitarianism.