Dengue Fever is at an all time high in my country.

Might as well do some service and promote dengue fever cures via ebook. I have the supporting website at that tells all. But now my new ebook is more detailed with lots of pictures so the sick and frightened don’t make mistakes.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is known to cause death when it gets to the bleeding stage. Dengue Fever can potentially kill any person if untreated. Blood health is monitored via platelet counts. The administration of freshly picked Tawa Tawa tea along with a sane holistic treatment plan for nutrition and detox will exponentially increase the sick’s chances of getting well from Dengue Fever and increase blood platelet count within 24 to 48 hours. Hundreds of people have posted and emailed their unsolicited testimonies about the effectiveness of Tawa Tawa tea because they would like to share their success with you.

This book contains pictures of the Tawa Tawa weed, where you can find them, and the exact procedures in photos to make sure you do the Tawa Tawa tea the right way.

Dengue fever is spreading to more countries. So those who are still unfamiliar with Dengue fever may benefit from this bit of Filipino knowledge.


on 18 Feb 2010 at 7:17 pm joey said …

i was sick for 3 days already so i decided to go to the hospital for checkup. the doctor asked me to have a cbc and the result showed that my platelet count was below normal. The normal is
150,000 to 450,000 and mine was 140,000. we were already worried and hope that it is not dengue. aside from the paracetamol, all we can do was to wait for another couple of days to observe for symptoms of dengue and have a cbc again. i searched the web and found out about this site and tawa-tawa leaves. i immediately called NHA and looked for Ms. Portia. she was very nice and very accommodating on the phone and even consoled me because i was really worried. the next day, we went to NHA and she gave us tawa-tawa leaves. i started drinking the tawa-tawa tea then have a cbc test again the following day but the results were still low, my platelet count dropped to 139,000 and white blood cell count and others also dropped below normal levels. the doctor advised us to have a retest the following day and i just continued drinking the tea. i was very anxious and have a retest the following day. to our surprise my platelet count rose to 380,000 and the white blood cells, etc became normal. it was indeed a miracle. i don’t know how that happened but i know that the tawa-tawa and the prayers helped me. thanks! God is good. Keep the faith!